Investigating Relation between Verses of Sūrat al-Aʿrāf

Document Type : Scholary


1 Associate Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Yazd University, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Yazd University, Iran.



The study of the relationship between the verses of a Surah for interpretation has drawn the attention of the commentators for centuries. In recent times, these relationships have been investigated more thoroughly as their usefulness is better recognized. Examining the relationship between the verses of a surah will gain a more accurate understanding of the meanings of each verse and the overall meaning of the surah. Extracting the primary topics posited in Sūrat al-Aʿrāf and classifying them, the present study shows the relationship between every one of the verses will be investigated so that the coherence and relationship can be practically showcased. The verses are firstly divided into different sets; then, the relationship between the verses of every set and, next, the relationship between the sets of verses in the Surah will be demonstrated. This way, it will be shown that all the subjects in the Surah are interrelated and constitute a unit whole which is Sūrat al-Aʿrāf.


Main Subjects