About Journal


Memorandum of Agreement Between Iranian Association of Quranic Studies and Islamic Culture and Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies (JCIS)


Journal of Contemporary Islamic Studies (JCIS) is a peer-reviewed journalthataims to introduce analytically the Islamic teachings and studies related to the controversies of the contemporary human, provide solutions for the current challenges of the world based on Islamic teachings, and publish and evaluate scientific Islamic discussions. The fields of great interest are the Qur’ān and Ḥadīth studies, Islamic theology, Islamic philosophy, Islamic mysticism, Islamic ethics, and Islamic law. Moreover, the journal welcomes the opinions and articles of non-Muslim scholars and thinkers in the comparative studies field and other related arenas.

The journal includes articles across the full range of contemporary Islamic studies, including:

Islamic theology

Qur’ān and Ḥadīth Studies

Islamic Ethics

Islamic Mysticism

Islamic Philosophy

  • Country of Publication: Iran
  • Impact FactorNot Yet Available
  • Acceptance Rate: About 27% in 2023
  • Date of First Publication: 2019
  • Frequency: Bi-Annual
  • Language: English 
  • Scope: Qur’anic and hadith studies, theology, philosophy, ethics, law, mysticism, and comparative studies
  • Article Processing Charges: 6،000،000 Rials
  • Type of JournalAcademic/Scholarly
  • Open Access: Yes
  • Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
  • Review Process : Double blind peer review
  • plagiarism screening : iThenticate
  • Review Time: Eight Weeks Approximately
  • Contact & Submission e-mail: jcis@ut.ac.ir