A Review and Criticism of Wahba Zuḥaylī's Method in al-Tafsīr al-Munīr fī al-‘Aqīda wa al-Sharī‘a wa al-Munhaj

Document Type : Scholary


1 Assistant Professor, the Department of Arabic Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Candidate of Comparative Interpretation, Tehran Ḥawzah, Tehran, Iran


The science of interpretation has a special position in the Islamic sciences and has been addressed seriously by Muslims from the very first days of Islam, because interpretation is to understand and discover the points of the best speech, i.e. the speech of the Sublime Allāh. One of the new commentaries on Muslims' divine book is al-Tafsīr al-munīr fī al-‘aqīda wa al-sharī‘a wa al-munhaj, authored by Wahba Zuḥaylī, the contemporary exegete and Qur’ān researcher. The study at hand has set out to examine and evaluate this commentary by the critical-analytical as well as library research methods. This has led to the identification of the differences of this commentary with other interpretive works. The strengths of this commentary are its investigation of the contemporary social, political, and jurisprudential issues as well as its high readability. On the other hand, the insufficient references to the new and old interpretive resources along with the scarcity of the scientific references of the commentary are among its weaknesses.


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