The Role of Revelation Atmosphere in the True Understanding and Interpretation of Jihād Verses


1 Professor, Department of Islamic knowledge, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Quranic Sciences, Al-Mustafa International University, Qom, Iran

3 Master’s Holder, Islamic Ma‘ārif University, Qom, Iran


Due to the gradual revelation of the qur’ānic verses in line with the events of the prophethood of Prophet Muḥammad (s) era, the reports of the battles of early days of Islam are reflected in some verses, and in some others Jihād and fighting against disbelievers has been emphasized. This has been used as a pretext by some to unintentionally or purposively introduce the Qur’ān as a book that invites to fury and violence. Emphasizing the role of the revelation era atmosphere in the true understanding and interpretation of the verses, the authors of this article first explore the behavior of the enemies of Islam – which was mixed with ignorant stubbornness, harassment, conspiracy, imposition of war, and breach of promise – and then introduce the three stages of the Qur’ān’s response to disbelievers, namely advising the Prophet (s) to patience and resistance, inviting him to do defensive Jihād, and emphasizing the eradication of oppression. Accordingly, they aim at proving this point that despite all the hostilities of the disbelievers, the Qur’ān talks about war against them only as the last solution.


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