Investigating the Process of Implementing the Teaching of Islamic Nation (Umma) in Madīna al-Nabī and Madīna al-Waṣī

Document Type : Scholary


1 Full Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 PhD holder in Shī‘a History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


One of the ways to discover the capabilities of the teaching of nation (Umma) is investigating the functions of Islamic nation teaching in a society from which it is originated; this is because a certain social event occurs in its own specific time, place and situation. Madīna al-Nabī and Madīna al-Waṣī is the best proof for the functions of Islamic nation teaching. With a descriptive-analytical method, this study seeks to find a response for this question: what behaviors did the holy Prophet (s) and Imām ‘Alī (a) have and what viewpoints did they describe for implementing the concept of Islamic nation? Results show that the concept of nation caused the realization of social justice in Madīna al-Nabī, in the light of the development of public cooperation, absence of emotional stimulation out of Ignorant prejudices, deactivation of social gaps, and transformation of prejudices threat to an opportunity to found human rules and make the extreme class differences fade out. Therefore, Madīna can be deemed as a reflection of founding the nation teaching. Equalization of social privileges in social arena was one of the most important achievements brought about by the nation teaching in the governing time of Imām ‘Alī (a) in Madīna al-Waṣī. In doing so, connection of social justice to social balance, the practical renewal of legal and social status of discriminated groups, correction of ethnic-tribal viewpoints of the society to trans-ethnic and trans-religious viewpoints, and social freedom to gain social privileges were the most important arenas for the tangible realization of the nation in that period.


Main Subjects

The noble Qur’ān
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