Probing the Impact of Remembering Divine Boons on Human Training With an Emphasis on the Qur’ān 31:20

Document Type : Scholary


1 Associate professor, Department of Qur’ān and Ḥadīth Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Farabi Campus University of Tehran, Qom, Iran

2 PhD Student of Qur’ān and Ḥadīth Sciences, Faculty of Literature, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran

3 PhD Student of Qur’ān and Ḥadīth Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


The attainment of welfare is a goal that has motivated different human schools of thought. In the meantime, Islam with a claim for welfare has given instructions to the human society, and the noble Qur’ān is teemed with verses that offer in various forms approaches as to this goal. Remembering divine boons in noble Qur’ān is of the items which is being emphasized greatly for the attainment of welfare. This study attempts to probe the training effects of this remembering with an emphasis on the verse 20 of Luqmān chapter (Qur’ān 31:20) so that education and training officials, teachers, advisors, and researchers could provide the society, in the light of the findings of this study, with practical solutions in educational books and advisory methods for generating personal and social welfare. With a descriptive-analytical approach, this study has looked at the personal and social, training effects of remembering divine boons. The boons investigated in this study are those ones that are recognized by all religious and non-religious schools of thought. Therefore, it is not possible for any human and non-human school to deny the achieved Qur’ānic findings, and every human can use these findings, whether to have belief in them or not. Of the most important personal and social, training effects of remembering divine boons are the feeling of self-worth, purposefulness in life, improvement of emotional relations, and so one.   


Main Subjects

Noble Qur’ān
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