The Explication of the Ways to Prove the Existence of God From the Viewpoint of Nahj al-Balāgha and its Conformity with Qur’ān


1 Assistant professor, Department of Qur’ān and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 Associate professor, Department of Qur’ān and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Of the very basically important issues in noble Qur’ān and the sayings of the Infallibles (a) is divinity. In many cases within the verses of Qur’ān and the speeches of the pure Infallibles (a), the ways of divinity are pointed out with various wordings. Of the important ways are rational-sensory and rational-philosophical ways. Since Nahj al-balāgha, after noble Qur’ān, is the most valuable book for guidance and humanization in which the repeated reflection of heavenly verses of Qur’ān is evident, the ways to prove the existence of God from the viewpoint of Nahj al-balāgha and then its conformity with the verses of Qur’ān are explicated in this study with a library method and a descriptive-analytical method in investigating the data. Results of the study show that sometimes as soon as humans pay attention to the system of the universe, they believe the existence of the sublime God, out of the innate reason. In addition, the base for the creation of beings indicates that the universe is under the control of a supernatural being. Moreover, from the rational and philosophical point of view, the existence of God can be proved with an intermediary; what is considered intermediary is a series of rational principles that proves the necessity of the sublime God’s existence.   


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