Narrative Models of Characterization in the Qur’ānic Stories

Document Type : Scholary


Department of English Literature, Faculty of Literature & languages, Arak University, Arak, Iran


This article examines the narrative models of qur’ānic characters and characterization from the perspective of narratological approaches. First, the weaknesses and strengths of character-oriented narrative theories in the West (Propp, Greimas, Bremond, and Todorov) are pointed out in the light of the characteristics of the qur’ānic figures. Then, Chatman and Rimmon-Kenan’s views on character traits are expressed in more detail. This article also talks about the fact that qur’ānic figures sometimes correspond to these models and sometimes not. Then the typology of people and direct and indirect ways – as two indicators of characterization in qur’ānic stories – are mentioned. The direct method is done by describing the outward characteristics, and the indirect one is done by the action, speech, environment, and description of the external specifications of the people. In general, qur’ānic figures are a part of the plot and subject of the story’s actions, as well as people with natural actions. The Qur’ān has used these methods in a good way. These two methods are explained by mentioning some examples of qur’ānic verses. It seems necessary to slightly modify or expand the narrative characterization models concerning the qur’ānic stories.


Main Subjects

The noble Qur’ān.
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