A Comparative Study of «Aṣḥāb al-Aʿrāf» (Qur’ān 7:46-48) Relying on Relationship of Verses

Document Type : Scholary


Department of Qur’ān and hadīth sciences, faculty of theology, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Various notions have been posited regarding the Aṣḥāb al-Aʿrāf (Fellows of Aʿrāf) (Qur’ān 7: 46-48) in verses 46-48 of Sūra al-Aʿrāf by the interpreters and, disregarding the notions for which no proof has been presented, other ideas can be categorized into four primary sets: the first set introduces the People of Aʿrāf as notable figures such as the prophets and infallible Imāms; the second set presents them as individuals having equal amounts of good and bad deeds; the third set introduces them as men or angels who recognize the Fellows of Heaven and Hell from their faces; and, the fourth set presents the prophet and indigent persons of each tribe as the Fellows of Aʿrāf. This study investigates the notions and proofs of the interpreters regarding the interpretation of the two aforesaid verses and shows how the correct opinion can be extracted according to the relationship of the verses and words in each verse as well as how it can complete the idea of previous interpreters. By paying attention to difference between Fellows of Aʿrāf (ʾAṣḥāb al-Aʿrāf) and Men of Aʿrāf (Rijāl al-Aʿrāf), it shows that the former include the interceders and the latter are the ones being interceded for.


Main Subjects

Holy Qurʾan translated by Pickthall
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