Capitalism From the Viewpoint of Islam and Liberalism

Document Type : Scholary


Department of Theology, Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Azad University, Qom Branch, Qom, Iran


Since the constituents of an economic system are organized according to its goals, some might believe that the goals are common among all economic systems. However, this is not true, because most of the disagreements are rooted in the various viewpoints to the concept of the human and the human society blissfulness. This disagreement results from different worldviews with different principles. This article states that the foregoing goals are not the same in the economic system and capitalism are not at the same level, as the end goal of capitalism is a specific understanding of welfare, and the distributive justice and growth are considered as its mid-goals. Therefore, the article at hand addressed the end and mid goals of capitalism from the viewpoint of Islam and liberalism. The results showed that the concepts of justice, welfare, growth, etc., in an economic system derived from capitalism school is contrary to the viewpoint of Islam to the human and human society, because Islam has a different interpretation of justice, welfare, and the human and society blissfulness.


The noble Qur’ān
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