Critical Analysis of Orientalists’ Stance as to the Historical Trend of Legislation of Ḥijāb in Islam

Document Type : Scholary


Department of Qur’ān and Ḥadīth Sciences, Faculty of Theology, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


Ḥijāb is one of the religious teachings which has been explored from various perspectives, including the Orientalists who oftentimes have negatively looked at Ḥijāb as a limitation for women. To them, the Prophet was in agreement with the freedom and mixture of women with men. However, following some certain conditions like the insecurity in the society, the harassment of the hypocrites, and the insistence of some Companions such as the second caliph, the Messenger of God was forced to accept the decree of Ḥijāb for his wives and the free women as well as the separation of women and men. With a descriptive-analytical approach, the present study shows making divine decrees follows the wisdom of the Saint Legislator, and is not affected by the transient conditions. The revered Prophet (s) and therefore the women of the society willingly showed great concern for covering. To them, Ḥijāb was not a retreat, but rather – with choosing the black color for their covering – they sought more dignity for a more active, social participation.         


Main Subjects

The noble Qur’ān
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