The Application of Thematic Analysis in Exegesis: the Structural Analysis of the Surah as-Saff (Qur’ān, 61) With an Emphasis on Al-Mīzān Commentary

Document Type : Scholary


Department of Qur’ān and hadīth sciences, faculty of theology, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Qom, Iran


Thematic analysis is one of the common qualitative methods of analysis that is being used by the researchers of various fields of study to analyze various data. This causes suchlike Islamic studies not to be attended at the international level. The use of thematic analysis in the interpretation of the Qur’ān can help researchers understand it and its hidden layers better and deeper. This prevents them from being misled and drowned in the ocean of overt and covert themes of the Qur’ān and stops them from achieving an inaccurate understanding of the Qur’ānic themes and their relationships. This study set out to provide the researchers of Islamic resources with the what, why, and how of thematic analysis of interpretive texts in a concise and practical manner. This was done via a case study of the book Al-Mīzān fī tafsīr al-Qur’ān using the MAXQDA software. Since the correct implementation of the method is of utmost importance, every step of the process of investigating the interpretation of the Surah as-Saff (Qur’ān, 61) in Al-Mīzān fī tafsīr al-Qur’ān is reported by giving in the thematic analysis of the verses of this chapter. After analyzing the themes and codes extracted from the interpretation of the verses of Surah as-Saff (Qur’ān, 61), it was figured out that the main intention of the chapter is to express the believers’ duties, with the top duties being having faith in God and His Prophet (PBUH) and resolutely and persistently struggling for the sake of God. These have been called the most beneficial businesses. Of course, the other duties of believers can also be assigned to this theme.


Main Subjects

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