A Study of Martyr Muṭahharī’s View to the Course of History

Document Type : Scholary


1 Department of Islamic Thought , Faculty of Islamic Sciences and Research, Imām Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran


According to the teachings of the Abrahamic religions in general and Islam in particular, history is ultimately described as an evolved issue. Nonetheless, if this is accepted, the question arises as to whether the evolution of history occurs over time or all at once. This article examines the works of Martyr Muṭahharī, the Iranian revolutionary philosopher and scholar, with a descriptive-analytical method and tries to answer this question from his point of view. In the first part, the foundations of Martyr Muṭahharī’s view to the evolution of the course of history are explained. Then, while expressing the components of realism in the interpretation of history, some problems that are raised against the evolution of history are answered from his point of view. These include human’s right-seeking nature, human’s utilitarianism, and the legacy of the prophets. Muṭahharī has taken a philosophical approach to commenting on the course of history, which seems to be more relevant to the question of the evolution of history. Emphasizing the legitimacy of the history process and ruling the principle of causality on historical events, he communicates between the past, the present, and the future of history, and thus provides a meaningful basis for historical continuity.


Main Subjects

The noble Qur’ān
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