The Relationship Between Ways of Attaining the Truth in the Mathnawi of Maulawi

Document Type : Scholary


1 Department of Religions and Mysticism, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Religions and Mysticism, faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran


One of the important topics in Sufism and Islamic mysticism is the ways to reach the truth. The MathnawīiMa'navi of Maulawi is one of the most prominent mystical works in the Islamic tradition, in which the goal of the mystic journey and the ways of arriving at the Truth are discussed. Considering the importance of the ways of attaining the truth on the one hand and considering the importance of The MathnawīiMa'navi on the other hand, this article aims to investigate "The Ways of Attaining the Truth in the Mathnawi of Maulawi" with an analytical method. Maulawi calls a person sometimes through action and performing religious duties, sometimes through knowledge, and sometimes through Grace and submission to the truth. According to the Mathnawi, there is a mutual and two-way relationship between these ways, so that the possibility of separating one from the other seems unreasonable. One who acts without knowledge is only in the realm of the external senses. Knowledge is born of action. Selfless action is the same as having knowledge. Also, grace is not realized in a field far from action and knowledge. Action and knowledge also evolve only with grace. This article, which is written with analytical-descriptive method, shows that Mathnawī I Ma'navi of Maulawi has presented a new theory and initiative in transcendental wisdom in the matter of attaining and the problem of ways of attaining the supreme truth. For this reason, it can be said that Maulawi was the first mystical thinker to introduce Seleucid thinking and important proof reflections about the truth and the ways to reach the supreme truth with these elements. Therefore, Mathnawī I Ma'navi of Maulawi has a metaphysical interpretation of religious practices.


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