Investigating The Life Condition in Embryonic Cells and Symptoms of Breathing Embryonic Soul, Regarding to the Qur’ān and Shiite Hadith

Document Type : Scholary


1 Department of Qur’ān and Hadīth Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Stem Cells, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran, Iran


The rapid development of biotechnology and its presence in the various spheres of human social life brings new issues every day to different fields of science. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this research aims to answer the questions, “How is the embryonic life and when is the beginning of the soul, regarding the Qur’ān and Shiite Hadith?” and "Is determining the exact time of breathing soul in the fetus an intentional obligation or is it associated with symptoms that can be seen with the development of the fetus?" According to the Qur’ān and narratives, the embryo, a few days before the implantation stage, has vegetative life, not plant and human life. The embryonic cell, during the period when the physical creation of the fetus in the womb is not complete, does not have a human life. So it is not an actual human being. Then, the state in which the spirit is blown into the fetus starts with the movement of the fetus into the mother's body and is considered alive human. This honored soul (al-nafs al-muhtaramah) refers to a stage of embryonic development in which the human soul is blown up (wulūj). Additionally, acceptance of a specific time for breathing the soul is not an intentional obligation (ta'abbudῑ) and is an unchangeable matter, but the birth of the soul does not have a specific and definite time, such as the end of four months, etc. Also, the diagnosis of this natural phenomenon will be based on its natural symptoms, which may be before or after the age of four months or may be realized at different times in different cases and living conditions.


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