Examining and Criticizing the Accusing Reasons of Fabrication and Lying against Jābir bin Yazīd Ju'fī (d. 128 AH)

Document Type : Scholary


1 Department of Qur’ān and hadīth sciences, , Faculty of Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

2 Department of Qur’ān and hadīth sciences, Faculty of Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


Jābir bin Yazīd Ju'fī, a famous, virtuous, honored, and trusted follower and companion of Imams Bāqir and Sādiq (as) in the second half of the first century and the first half of the second century, has always been considered by Sunnis due to his narrations of Sunni Sheikhs. Although some Sunni scholars have praised him, most of them have weakened and blamed him in their Rijāl books, of which the lying and, subsequently, the fabricating accusation against Jābir are mostly seen among their opinions. Basically, their reasons for such an accusation are as follows: his belief in return (raj'at), his claim of reading tens of thousands of narrations by heart, his narration of the virtues of Ahl al-Bayt (as), and his narration of hadith such as Fadakīyah's Sermon, which was not pleasing to the followers of the Caliphs and Umayyads. This research aims to investigate and criticize these reasons.


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