The Relationship between Religiosity and Secondary School Principals’ Management Effectiveness

Document Type : Scholary


Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran


The research objective was to explain the relationship between religiosity and secondary school principals’ management effectiveness. The descriptive-correlation research method was used for this research,, and the target population was all principals of secondary schools in Zahedan, with 141 subjects (72 male and 69 female). Based on Singh and Masuku’s sample size table, 103 principals (52 male and 51 female) who formed the study sample were examined. A stratified and simple random sampling method was used. Data was collected using the religiosity questionnaire developed by Khodayarifard et al., as well as the school principals’ effectiveness questionnaire developed by Houghton and Neck. Pearson’s correlation coefficient and stepwise regression analysis methods were employed for the statistical analysis of the data. Research findings showed a positive significant relationship between religiosity and all its dimensions (i.e., religious understanding and belief, religious emotions, commitment to religious duties, and social pretense) and the effectiveness of principals. Results from the regression analysis also indicated that social pretense and adherence to religious duties explain 40.3% of the variation of principals’ effectiveness.


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