Analytical Examination of the Essence of “Couplity” in the Material World from the Perspective of the Qur’ān with an Emphasis on the Findings of Science

Document Type : Scholary


1 Department of Islamic studies, Medical Faculty, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran

2 Department of comparative interpretation, Hazrat Zainab Institute of Higher Education, Kashan, Iran



In the new era and with the rapid progress of science in various fields, examining the words of the Qur’ān from the ground up and with a close look is considered important and necessary. The delay in its examination and research can raise doubts in the minds of the public, in addition to distancing from the truths of the Qur’ān and blocking a huge sea of knowledge to mankind. The purpose of the article is to find the real meanings and domination of the term "couplity," considering that the progress of science and technology has fueled the conflicts in the interpretation of this term in various verses. The article using a documentary-analytical method and library resources, aims to examine the term "couplity," its different meanings, and its domination in the verses of the Qur’ān. According to the investigations, the scope of this term is broader than having a single meaning. In this respect, there are two kinds of couplity: non-controversial and discordant. The findings revealed that obviously there is no need for unusual interpretations of the meaning of the verses, and all the creatures of the world, even inanimate objects, can be included in the circle of couplity.


Main Subjects

The Holly Qur'ān.
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