The World After Death from the Point of View of Zoroastrianism and Islam Based on the Scriptures

Document Type : Scholary


1 University of Tehran

2 Department of Oriental Religions, Faculty Religions, University of Religions and Denominations



Most religious traditions expect the end of the world. According to these traditions, the story of creation and the beginning of time happened in a very distant past, and many narrations have been narrated about it. In contrast to the story of creation, there are narratives of the doomsday and the end of the world, the time of which is very close and imminent, when the world will lose its current system, confusion and panic will cover the entire world, and the wheel of creation will stop moving, and then the beginning of creation takes place as it should be done in perfection, and humans are responsible for their actions and reach their original position according to the actions and deeds done. This research seeks to determine and examine the differences and similarities between the two religions by comparing the view of the world after death, as one of the most basic rites of passage between the two religions.


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