Volume & Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, July 2020, Pages 211-423 
The Concept Analysis of the Terms Shi‘r and Shā‘ir in the Noble Qur’ān

Pages 211-230

Sayyid Maḥmūd Ṭayyib Ḥusaynī; Ḥāmid Sharīfīnasab

The Use of the Word “‘Ishq” in Religious Texts

Pages 245-265

Maḥmūd Hidāyatafzā; Yaḥyā Kabīr

A Psychological Examination of Anger Control in Imām Riḍā‘s Traditions

Pages 339-357

Alīriḍā Muḥammadriḍā’ī; Sa‘īda Walīnawāz Jahzdānī

The Meaning of Sabab as the Reason for the Victoriousness of Dhul-Qarnayn

Pages 359-373

Sayyid Sa‘īd Mīrī; Riḍā Sa‘ādatniya; Alīriḍā Fakhkhārī